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Professional Dissertation Writing Guide
MBA Dissertation Blog:
Leadership and its strategies include various topics. Among this there are few areas which need particular attention. During my tenure of tutoring, I have often seen Leadership assignments related with innovation, organizational changes, leadership theories and relation of leadership styles with motivation.
September 5, 2012
In this article, I am going to provide a step by step guideline for the students to prepare for the Dissertation Proposal.
As a part of the Dissertation process, a proposal is required in the very beginning, as a proforma, which is submitted to the University Supervisors separately. The proposal is a platform, for the whole dissertation where the student identifies a topic and present necessary argument through it, for conducting the research, thus relating the aims and objectives, research question, and problem statement of the investigation. The proposal also entails various process detail and describes the paradigm, research methodology, literary references based on which the research will be conducted. In short, proposal is a short summary of the whole dissertation, without final conclusion and analysis.
Universities generally provide every student a MSc/MBA Dissertation Handbook (Guidebook) which contains some specific template (Fig.1) for the proposal. If not then they generally guide the student about the contents to be included in the proposal. This is the sole reason, why Dissertation Handbooks/Guidebooks of every University should be thoroughly read by every students.
The length of most MBA research proposals widely vary from 1000-4000 words depending upon Universities and upon the content and length of the dissertation topic. Students should remember that the proposal should be crisp, concise and include viable information.
The Research Proposal is often accompanied by a Work Plan of the time schedule that the student will require to complete the whole task of dissertation. This is represented in a formal manner with the help of a Gantt Chart. (NB: A proper representation of a Gantt Chart with related and dependent tasks make good impression than a haphazard piece of excel chart. So here, my advice will be to prepare a neat and clean Gantt Chart, Fig.2).
The Research Proposal should answer the following questions:
WHAT: ”What” includes the Research Statement, Research Question, and Research Objectives.
(NB: Don’t forget to include a section where the definition of key words are given. This makes the proposal more attractive and the supervisor gets the idea that the student is well aware of the topic and its related concepts). Before jumping into a research process, students should understand the area of the research problem and the business context.
Be it marketing management, human resource management or customer relationship management, students should focus on the problem area and should ask themselves why the research is necessary. You may need to show your supervisor, in the rationale section of the final dissertation what is the significance of your research and what practical contributions it has.
Example: If you are investigating about relationship marketing then you need to identify why it is significant in the field of retaining customers or winning new customers.
2. WHY: “Why” the research problem is significant from the current perspective and what additional knowledge it will add to the existing literary base?
(NB: Many University Supervisors’ prefer to see a small paragraph on previous literature works where it is related what investigation have been done in that topic and recently what are the current update by scholars. Students should reason out from these scholarly work why his/her dissertation is important, and how his/her work is going to add knowledge to the existing literary base).
3. CONTEXT: Students should explain the background/context in which the research is set.
“Follow a quantitative method in order to prove statistical significance which require a large data set, and explain the method in short in your proposal” ( Experience from University of Sunderland)
“Try to avoid a subjective topic for your proposal”-Analysis of Large Data set becomes difficult.
Try avoid selecting Mixed Research methods, and choose either Qualitative or Quantitative Research Method.
Try to include a Research Model/Research Design in the Proposal as shown in Fig.3.
Try to Include the following headings in the Table of Contents in your proposal:
Table of Contents
1. Introduction
2. Research Rationale
3. Statement of Aim
4. Research Objectives
5. Literature Review
6. Research Methodology
6.1. Research Problem
6.2. Research Design
6.3. Research Philosophy
6.4. Research Approach
6.5. Research Strategy
6.6. Research Method
6.7. Data Collection Methods
6.8. Sampling Details
6.9. Validity and Limitations
I hope readers will enjoy this post and will know few tricks about writing an A Grade Proposal. Please let me know your Feedbacks!
Happy Reading!
One of the major strategic decisions are merger and acquisitions. Though the two terminologies are often pronounced synonymously, but a merger is very much different than an acquisition. I am going to cite the example of the case study of acquisition of Microsoft and Nokia on September 2013 and Verizone and Vodafone on September 2013. This is of particular importance to projects as it is a part of the academic curriculum to explain the merger and acquisition of organization in September 2013 with the help of theoretical models as cited in Financial. Com.
April 22, 2013
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